Wednesday, March 7, 2012

King Midas

Did you here about King Midas??

             Well I will tell you the ENTIRELY TRUE story! So King Midas loved gold, not like oh yeah gold is cool. I mean he was like OMG GOLD ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! He was practically obsessed with not only gold but money too!! I was a little crazy, if you know what I mean. So Bacchus granted him the a wish because Bacchus respected King Midas very much. King Midas said I would like it if everything I touched turned to gold!! King Midas was like WOOO HOOOO!!!! But little did he know he was going to regret it later!!!! He made EVERYTHING gold. Grapes, apples, food, grass, clothes... a lot!! It was a little bit crazy. I mean he was all good with it but he kept it a secret.
              After a few hours of practically gold galore, he was STARVING!!! So he went into the kitchen grabbed cereal, (cereal was his FAVORITE food!!) a bowl, milk, and a spoon. Bu before you could say MMMMM, it was ALL GOLD!! I mean gold, even the little Rice Krispies were that glittery gold and don't get me wrong it would have been TOTALLY awesome if he weren't so hungry! Now he was getting a little ticked off with his magic fingers.

              While all this chaos was going on his daughter was pout of town for a few days and wasn't going to be home until tomorrow. King Midas was so upset with himself for being so greedy he forgot about the golden touch because all he did was sit in the middle of his garden and pout.
               When his daughter came home she ran up and hugged his cold body in the middle of the yard and he just pouted. when he felt her warm body on his cold heart; he felt all warm inside. Until her body turned into a cold dark metal. King Midas cried for days and days because his one and only daughter gone because of his greedy heart. He swore never to ask for anything from the gods again.

                Bacchus agreed to tell King Midas how to get rid of the curse. He said you must go and bathe in the river of Pactous to wash away the curse. So King Midas did as he was told and the curse was washed away forever. The river still has a golden gleam to this day.

                                                        Story told by Mr. Pactous

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